HOW & WHY I Started My Career as a DevOps Engineer being a fresher (Accidental DevOps Engineer)

The Confusing Start

After completing my 12th grade in 2016, I found myself in the same position as many others—trying to figure out what to do next. I was sure about pursuing Engineering, but I had no idea which field to choose: Civil, Mechanical, Computer Science, or Electrical. Hours were spent searching on Google and YouTube for “Best Engineering stream with great career and pay,” and I bombarded my seniors and relatives with questions. Despite all this effort, I remained confused. Finally, I decided to study Mechanical Engineering.

The College Dilemma

Next came the challenge of choosing a college. I dreamt of studying in the USA and began preparing for the SAT and TOEFL exams. I scored decently, but my financial situation brought me back to reality. Six months had passed—not entirely wasted, as I learned a lot about life, the importance of time, and improved my English. Panic set in as I realized my friends were already in college, and I was a year behind. I then decided to attend college in India, being from Nepal. After extensive research, I chose MMDU in Haryana. On July 19, 2017, I went to college and began my Engineering journey on July 21, initially in Mechanical Engineering. Fortunately, with some guidance from friends and seniors, I switched to Computer Science. That’s when the real journey began.

The Shift to Computer Science

I completed my 3.5-year journey and reached my final semester. Honestly, I wasn't very good at Data Structures and Algorithms or any tech Field. I was just an average student. However, a few friends ( Sumit Singh, Jaskeerat Singh ) encouraged me to work on projects with them to get placed. I started doing React projects to get into frontend development. After some rejections and selections, I got placed at Medly on April 7, 2021, and began my career as an Intern Developer on April 12, 2021.

The Unexpected Turn to DevOps

My career truly began here. I was directly added to a DevOps team, despite having no idea what DevOps was. I was really confused about why I wasn’t asked and was just placed into DevOps. But I had to go with it. I started searching on Google and watching YouTube videos. The first thing I googled was “What is DevOps” and, like any other middle-class student, “What is the career and pay for DevOps?” I started working with the DevOps team and learned the basics in a few weeks.

Embracing DevOps

One day, my manager ( Shirish Padalkar ) asked for a call. I was scared, wondering if it was my last day. But my manager explained that they hadn’t asked for my preference because they wanted me to explore DevOps. As a fresher, no one would easily choose it. They asked me what I wanted to do next. By then, I had already started liking DevOps, so I decided to continue.

The Present and Future

I had many questions and doubts about DevOps, its career path, and pay. But today, I am glad I chose DevOps. I have no more doubts or questions. I love it and enjoy it, and this is what I will continue to do. I was always scared if I would be able to become a good developer and compete. But this journey has been great. Today, I proudly introduce myself as a DevOps Engineer. Every day, I strive to learn and become better in this field. There is a lot to learn and achieve in the future. I will share my journey of the first DevOps technologies and tools I was introduced to, what I learned first, how my tech journey progressed, and the challenges I faced in my next articles. For now, I just wanted to share how I became a DevOps Engineer and why.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank my friends Sumit Singh and JS Grewal for the guidance and push they gave me during my college days. I also want to express my gratitude to my colleagues at Medly—Ram Shinde, Ashwini, Shirish, Kunal Dabir, Kaustav, and Niraj—who have helped shape me into the professional I am today and what I will become in the future.